Converting the Maldev Academy OVA to Hyper-V
Just a quick note for myself on converting the Maldev Academy OVA to Hyper-V
Just a quick note for myself on converting the Maldev Academy OVA to Hyper-V
While working on the CRTO lab I wanted to try using PowerShell to find Constrained Delegation like I did in the CRTP course. They used PowerView, so I figur...
We have domain admin, lets really sink our hook in and ensure persistence.
If a user’s UserAccountControl settings have Do Not Require Kerberos preauthentication enabled it is possible to grab user’s crackable AS-REP and brute-force...
While working on the CRTO course I ran into a hash that I couldn’t crack with Hashcat. Instead returning an error indicating the hash is invalid.
PHP has multiple alternative extensions: phtml, .php, .php3, .php4, .php5, and .inc
Check if AD Object returned is group or user: if ($adObject.objectClass -eq "group"){ } if ($adObject.objectClass -eq "user"){ } Check if multiple user...
Cleanup disks in Linux The drives in one of my lab servers was full but I couldn’t figure out what was filling it up until I discovered du! du,or “Disk Usa...
What is Markdown? Markdown is a lightweight markup language and uses a plain-text-formatting syntax. Markdown is often used to format readme files and can c...
There are several guides on how to extend logical volume space, but nothing showing what to do if your virtual group and logical volume is full. create par...
vSphere… broken! This weekend when I went to play in the homelab but found my vSphere web client inaccessible with a 503 error. 503 Service Unavailable (...
Using splatted values can help better organize your code for managing AD Objects. Splatting Basics Splatting is a method of passing a collection of parame...
Terraform can’t find my Datastore? Terraform couldn’t find my datastore so I use GOVC to get the exact path.
My Kickstart file isn’t working!