If Statements and AD Objects

less than 1 minute read

Check if AD Object returned is group or user: if ($adObject.objectClass -eq "group"){ } if ($adObject.objectClass -eq "user"){ } Check if multiple user...

Linux Disk Cleanup

less than 1 minute read

Cleanup disks in Linux The drives in one of my lab servers was full but I couldn’t figure out what was filling it up until I discovered du! du,or “Disk Usa...

Setting Up Sublime Text For Markdown Files

1 minute read

What is Markdown? Markdown is a lightweight markup language and uses a plain-text-formatting syntax. Markdown is often used to format readme files and can c...

Unable To Extend Partition

1 minute read

There are several guides on how to extend logical volume space, but nothing showing what to do if your virtual group and logical volume is full. create par...