If Statements and AD Objects

less than 1 minute read

Check if AD Object returned is group or user: if ($adObject.objectClass -eq "group"){ } if ($adObject.objectClass -eq "user"){ } Check if multiple user...

Linux Disk Cleanup

less than 1 minute read

Cleanup disks in Linux The drives in one of my lab servers was full but I couldn’t figure out what was filling it up until I discovered du! du,or “Disk Usa...

Setting Up Sublime Text For Markdown Files

1 minute read

What is Markdown? Markdown is a lightweight markup language and uses a plain-text-formatting syntax. Markdown is often used to format readme files and can c...

Unable To Extend Partition

1 minute read

There are several guides on how to extend logical volume space, but nothing showing what to do if your virtual group and logical volume is full. create par...

503 Errors

2 minute read

vSphere… broken! This weekend when I went to play in the homelab but found my vSphere web client inaccessible with a 503 error. 503 Service Unavailable (...